
Logic Pro: Mixing Concepts & Tips

Posted by Esteban Miranda on

Being a music producer today means a lot more than it used to mean 20 or 30 years ago. In today's world of electronic music production, the defiinition of music producer is usually someone who writes and creates their own music. That's often the first thing that comes to mind these days when someone says they're a producer. However, there are a range of specialities available to music producer in 2022, with many different avenues you can go down on your musical journey.  I've said it before, but I think it's worth repeating the unofficial distinction between creative music producers and technical ones. From my own...

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Logic Pro Reverb 3: Space Designer

Posted by Esteban Miranda on

This is the final part in a three part guide on the stock reverb plugins that Logic Pro comes bundled with. If you missed the first part, we did a brief reminder of what reverb is. I'm a really firm believer that as music producers (or just as human beings) we need to constantly remind ourselves of the fundamentals of our craft. Habits can form when you do the same thing the same way every time, and it can lock your mind away from some other potential creative avenues. You never want to lock yourself in a creative box, especially when it's possible to do this...

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Compressor in Logic Pro

Posted by Esteban Miranda on

If you've been following along with our guides this month, we've been putting a focus on getting back to basics. You can't ever go over the core pricinples too many times!  So, hopefully you've had some nice discoveries (or re-discoveries) within Logic Pro, or just with ways you can use some of the basic effects and principles.  We've covered Reverb and EQ, and in this guide today we are going to go over Compression. Our theme this month has been how important it is to remind ourselves of the basic concepts. And this is true whether you're a music producer or any type...

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Logic Pro Reverb 2 - EnVerb & SilverVerb

Posted by Esteban Miranda on

This is the second part in a multi part post I'm doing, covering the basics of the reverb plugins that Logic Pro has to offer. In the first part, we went over a reminder of the core concepts of what reverb is. We described the sonic phenomenon, and some of the concepts behind its application to music production. We also covered ChromaVerb, which is Logic's really cool room emulation reverb with a great UI and some really neat features. If you missed that first part, it's probably worth going back and checking it out. But if you're confident on the core concepts behind reverb, let's...

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Logic Pro Reverb 1 - ChromaVerb

Posted by Esteban Miranda on

As music producers, it's important to keep yourself refreshed on the basics, to make sure that things don't become habits. We end up doing things without thinking about what we're doing, because we are so used to doing it. But that can be a problem; it can limit our creativity, and mean that we aren't getting the most out of our tools.  So which is the reason I'm covering some of the essentials this month. I'm rediscovering Logic Pro after not having access to it for a while, and I'm using that opportunity to go over some of its stock plugins - because they're a...

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