News — Logic Pro DAW
How to Integrate External Instruments and Effects in Logic Pro
Posted by Esteban Miranda on
There has been a dramatic uptick in recent years of music being made with hardware. It isn't the first instance of something "new" coming along and being the next best thing, replacing the previous one before a core group of people return to using the old stuff. The music industry in general is a fun one for this kind of thing; when CDs were first introduced as a consumer product, people talked about the "death of vinyl", and then when streaming came along, that was a further death - of the CD. But over the last 5 to 10 years, you...
- Tags: Logic Pro DAW
Recording Vocals - what you need to know.
Posted by Esteban Miranda on
I recently did a guide on budget microphones, and discovered that there's a really wide range of great and affordable microphones out there for any producer's needs. So I thought I'd follow that piece up with a guide on recording vocals, so if anyone has a new microphone and they're looking for the next steps, this will be a good a nd comprehensive guide on how to properly record vocals. So, we'll be covering the fundamentals of how recording vocals is so important, and there are tricks nad techniques to help you get it right. After all, the vocals will...
- Tags: Logic Pro DAW, Recording
Logic Pro - Alchemy
Posted by Esteban Miranda on
I've recently been inspired to jump back into Logic Pro. One of the funny things about being a music producer is how easy it is to get set in your ways. With so many options for music making out there, it's surprising how many of us fall into habits, and end up using one DAW over all the others. Sometimes it can be even more specific, we can end up using one plugin, or one synth, all the while ignoring the vast selection of other possibilities out there. So, in this vain I've challenged myself to step out of my Ableton Live-centric production...
- Tags: Alchemy, Logic Pro DAW, Logic Pro X
Logic Pro for iPad?
Posted by Esteban Miranda on
If you’ve been reading our recent articles on Logic Pro, you’ll know it’s packed full of features, some of which are long overdue, which bring it right into 2021 in terms of functionality and usability, especially when compared to some of the other options for DAWs out there. However there’s one question that keeps cropping up on forums and the like, and that is will Logic Pro be available for the iPad? In this article we will discuss; Why Logic Pro could work on iPad? Garageband for iPad Is it available now? What is Logic Remote? So let's explore this...
- Tags: Logic Pro DAW, Logic Pro X
Logic Pro X for Windows
Posted by Esteban Miranda on

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to run Logic Pro X on a Windows PC. What is Logic Pro X? Why would you want to use it on Windows? How to get Logic Pro X to work on a Windows PC using a Hackintosh method. Other ways you can do this. Let’s jump right in shall we? WHAT IS LOGIC PRO X? Logic Pro X is Apple’s flagship Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), used by recording engineers and producers alike, from the hobbyist to the industry leading professional. Logic Pro X allows users...
- Tags: Logic Pro DAW, Logic Pro X